Computer Graphics' Project
Final course's project about correction with B-Cell image histograms obtained by transmission electron microscopy.
Official website in Portuguese
Project developed for the final evaluation of the Introduction to Computer Graphics’ course about correction with B-Cell image histograms obtained by transmission electron microscopy.
In this work I studied the B lymphocytes, white blood cells responsible for making antibodies. They can differentiate in different types by changing its structure so as to have a specific function for the system. This analysis can be helped by graphic tools, so we obtain the images using the transmission electron microscope, given that photo with light is not viable since they are tiny. After taking the images, image processing is necessary and histogram analysis is considered quite relevant to equalize images and be able to compare them. The coloring histograms provide a lot of information about the image, such as contrast and image acquisition problems. Theoretical texts about the topic were read and simulations made in javascript were used to develop the website. The problem of threshold was analysed either.