Lucas Moschen

Master's student at Sorbonne University and Intern at AgroParisTech (Paris-Saclay University).
Paris, France.


Curious and passionate mathematician

Aspiring scientist

Science fiction fan

Since September 2023, I have been studying in the M2 - Master in Mathématiques de la Modélisation program at Sorbonne Universit with a scholarship from Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (FSMP). Within the master program, I am working with professors Camille Coron and Luis Almeida at AgroParisTech in stochastic models for mosquito dynamic population and control. Prior to this, I successfully completed my master’s program in Brazil. My academic journey has been characterized by an unwavering passion for science and mathematics, a commitment that continues to flourish within the esteemed Sorbonne University.

During my studies in Brazil, I was fortunate to have Prof. Maria Soledad Aronna as my advisor. She provided invaluable guidance throughout my dissertation project at the School of Applied Mathematics in Fundação Getulio Vargas, where my research focused on studying optimal vaccination strategies for epidemics in metropolitan areas, leveraging Optimal Control Theory and Epidemiology.

My enthusiasm for mathematics was sparked early on, earning my first recognition at the Brazilian Mathematical Olympiad of Public Schools (OBMEP), where I was exposed to a junior scientific initiation program (PIC) focused on algebra, number theory and geometry. Participating in OBMEP’s junior scientific initiation program was pivotal, nurturing my curiosit, passion and sharpening my mathematical skills over four years.

Thanks to the opportunities and support provided by the program, I enrolled in the Applied Math undergraduate course at FGV in 2018. Inspired by my scientific initiation and motivated by my growing interest in mathematics, I began taking master’s courses in 2019, encouraged by the Scientific Initiation and Master’s Program (PICME). My Bachelor’s Dissertation, presented in 2021 and supervised by Prof. Luiz Max Carvalho, tackled the prevalence estimation problem in hard-to-reach populations with imperfect diagnostic tests, earning recognition from the Brazilian Society of Applied Mathematics (SBMAC) as the third-best Research Initiation Project in 2022.

This recognition has only fueled my drive to make further strides in the field of mathematics, and I am excited about the future possibilities that lie ahead. In the final term of 2022, I also had the opportunity to visit Prof. Dante Kalise at Imperial College London to study optimal control of the Fokker-Planck equation.

Research Interests:

  • Optimal Control Theory
  • Biomathematics and Epidemiology
  • Network theory
  • Applied Statistics
  • Data Science


Apr 29, 2024 I have been selected to participate in “SBMAC Jovem,” a work group of math students within the Brazilian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics. My goal is to share content from the Society on the TikTok platform.
Apr 22, 2024 Professors Camille Coron and Amaury Hayat joined in the project with Luis Almeida, and now I will be working at AgroParisTech until July!
Feb 14, 2024 I will be doing my internship at Laboratoire Jacques Louis-Lion (Jussieu Building) with professor Luis Almeida on models for mosquito-borne diseases and reinforcement learning techniques for control.
Jan 31, 2024 My master’s dissertation has culminated in a paper with Maria Soledad Aronna which is now available at arXiv under the title “Vaccination in metropolitan areas: Should the capital be prioritized in vaccine allocation?”. I hope we find a good journal to publish it!
Nov 28, 2023 The PGMODays 2023, organized by Hadamard Foundation, kicks off today at EDF Lab Paris-Saclay in Palaiseau, France. This conference brings together researchers in Optimization to share and discuss the latest advances in the field. I am excited to present the research conducted with Professor Maria Soledad Aronna on developing optimal vaccination strategies for metropolitan areas.
Sep 23, 2023 I’m thrilled to announce my attendance at the 10th Heidelberg Laureate Forum in Heidelberg (Germany). This prestigious event gathers 200 students in Mathematics and Computer Science from across the globe, alongside distinguished laureates recognized for their contributions to these fields. This compelling networking event combines scientific, social and outreach activities in a unique atmosphere, sustained by comprehensive exchange and scientific inspiration.
Sep 4, 2023 I have just started the M2 - Mathematics of Modelling in Sorbonne University with a FSMP scholarship. The program is divided in four semesters: Basic courses, Fundamental courses, Specialized courses and the Internship. I hope I have a great time of learning here before the PhD!
Aug 7, 2023 I have just presented my master’s dissertation about “Optimal vaccination strategies for epidemics in metropolitean areas”. The text was aproved without changes, so I am a master’s degree holder from now on! Paris, wait for me!
Jul 26, 2023 I have presented a poster in the 34th Brazilian Mathematical Colloquium about my dissertation theme: optimal vaccination strategies in interconnected metropolitan areas as an optimal control problem.
May 12, 2023 My poster presentation at the IX Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial (MACI 2023) about mathematical modelling of COVID-19 and analysis of Rio de Janeiro outbreak in 2020 was awarded as the best one in the postgraduate section.
May 8, 2023 The “IX Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial” (MACI 2023) has just begun in Santa Fé, Argentina. I am excited to be presenting the joint work on COVID-19 modelling with Marial Soledad Aronna and Roberto Guglielmi in the format of poster.
Mar 3, 2023 My paper with Luiz Max Carvalho on parameter inference and diagnostics for a bivariate beta distribution was submitted and the preprint version is available at ArXiv.
Feb 3, 2023 My poster presentation at the Latin-America Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (LACIAM 2023) about mathematical modelling of COVID-19 and analysis of Rio de Janeiro outbreak in 2020 was awarded as the best one with other four colleagues.
Jan 29, 2023 The Latin American Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (LACIAM 2023) has just started! More than 250 researches and students from LATAM and the world gather together to discuss applied mathematics and its applications in the industry. The event was organized by FGV EMAp and SBMAC and I am integrant of the Local Committee.